Monday, May 13, 2013

Being an Educator of the 21st Century

Much have been told about the competencies and skills educators should develop to "survive" and thrive in a classroom nowadays. High on my list are some that should have always been there:

>> developing listening skills
>> practicing our empathy at all times, even when we feel like giving up
>> preparing lessons that are brain-friendly, helping our students emerge as engaged learners

To complement my list, I've come across this wonderful chart from an edudemic post:

Is there any other skill you think educators should work on to become full-fledged professionals in our times?


  1. Great post, Carla! I would include: Love. Love to be with people. Love people and education. :-)

  2. Wonderful, what a blog it is! This blog provides helpful facts to us, keep it up. 먹튀검증


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